We are proud to announce that our short film “Idda” has been selected to be part of the Worldwide Women’s Film Festival in Phoenix, Arizona! For info on screening and tickets: http://www.wwfilmfestival.com/ “Idda” is directed by Salvatore Sclafani, and produced by himself and Paola Piccioli for First Child Productions.
“Don Gino”, our new short film has been successfully shot! Production wrapped at 8 pm on 4/29, followed by cheer and emotion from cast and troupe. The movie was directed by Salvatore Sclafani and stars Salvatore Sclafani Senior (director’s own grandfather), Fabrizio Pizzuto, Benedetto Raneli, Roberto Pepoli, Giovanni Mineo, Maziar Firouzi and Jacopo Cavallaro. Don Gino […]